Once you and your baby leave the hospital after birth, a visit will be required within the first week. Even perfectly healthy babies need to see a pediatrician, ensuring no complications occurred within the first week of life. During this visit, one of our pediatricians will monitor your baby, measure their growth to ensure they are receiving the required amount of nutrients, and examine the baby. Throughout the exam, pediatricians look at basic functions such as :

  •   Reflexes
  •   Hip stability
  •   Alertness

At the time of your baby’s 1-month and 2-month exams, they should be able to hold their heads up, smile at others, look around at things, and coo. One of our pediatricians will perform all the basic tests needed to ensure your baby is healthy, such as:

  •   Height and weight measurements
  •   An assessment of your baby’s behavior
  •   Physical exam

Now, you will notice your baby is getting bigger and starting to develop a personality. By 4 months, most babies will respond to your affection, can hold their head steady without support, begin to make facial expressions, and enjoy interacting with people. This is also the time for them to receive another checkup.

At this doctor visit, once again, one of our pediatricians will perform the standard tests to monitor your baby’s progression. In addition to these routine tests, babies may receive another blood test to look for signs of anemia or other blood-related diseases.

Around your baby’s half birthday, they are beginning to really develop their personality and engage in interaction. At this age, most babies will be able to identify familiar faces, respond to their name, roll over in both directions, and bring objects to their mouth with both hands on their own.

During your baby’s six-month doctor’s visit, they will receive the standard tests to track their development. Other tests one of our pediatricians may perform at this visit include :

  •   An oral exam if your baby’s teeth are growing in
  •   A computerized photo optic vision screening

When your baby is around 9 months old, they most likely can begin to stand with support, make sounds, and sit by themselves. During their appointment, they will receive the common exams, but it will now be time for a more formal developmental screening. During this screening, one of our pediatricians will ask you general questions about your baby’s behavior and interactions with your baby.

The purpose of this exam is to ensure your baby is developing and learning basic skills at the proper rate. If the baby is potentially prone to having developmental issues, one of our pediatricians may require more frequent exams to monitor their behavior. In addition, if your baby hasn’t yet received an oral exam, they will receive one at this checkup, as well.

During this time frame, your baby will have checkups at 12, 15, and 18 months, where one of our pediatricians will continue to study their growth and development. They may undergo another blood test to determine if blood-related illnesses are present along with lead testing. In addition, an oral exam to look at tooth growth

At 18 months, physicians typically look for signs of autism through an autism screening. If one of our pediatricians encounter certain behaviors, we may recommend counseling programs that can aid in your baby’s development.